Wednesday, May 31, 2006
holiday training 2today's training was fun. 10 set of 100m and 10 sets of 200m as usual. but it is really really bad for me cuz my legs' hurting like more and more each day.. the problem's not about running fast but running knee lift cuz it hurts a lot . lol. however mr lim asks me not to go fast but go kneelift running instead. so the whole 20 sets was like hell for me. but somehow i managed to finish all of them =))then did my startings and i'm really really glad that i can finally make mr lim satisfied with it. all the trainings and the blisters on my hands had been paid off. whee. oh yeah. mr lim is damm cute today. beforee he say goodbye to me, guess what he did.HE WINKED -_*so cuteeeee. haha.
a little glamour goes a long way;
11:54 PM;
i just had a major change in my life. i just decide on sth. and i just walk into the storm hairdresser and sat down there. then that stylist came. and i dont know what i said and when he's done. i realise my ponytail's gone. and my hair is totally short like hell now. ITS SHORT!!!! thanks to that freaking gay at the salon my hair's such a disaster now.
i dont want to face the world anymore. just hope that it can grow back fast before holidays end.
come back my hair..
a little glamour goes a long way;
9:18 AM;
Monday, May 29, 2006
holiday training no 1
today had training at bishan at 2.30. okay. its under the hot sun.the dun that almost burn me to death. we did 10 sets of stairs in tt weather and i'm actually amazed that i didnt get heat stroke.
next up is 10sets of 100m and 200m again. my mood for training tt day was high. meaning i can go for 20 rounds. no problem. however. that hot weather destroyed all that.after only 2 sets my ears, legs and hands became all burned. so for the rest of the day didnt have mood for training already.
to add on to it, my legs are giving me problems. SIGH.not again. my hip have just recovered and now its my shines. it just hurt so much tt i carn run fast now. and wala and nationals is just 4 weeks away.

i'm dead. i cant even do a single proper knee lift and not to mention sprint. mr lim says that it will go away by itself. but now i guess i can only hope for a miracle to happen.
i guess 5 trainings in a week is really tiring. mum and dad says i'm crazy.
a little glamour goes a long way;
9:14 PM;
Friday, May 26, 2006
holidays are here. nothing special actually.guess its just trainings and trainings everyday.things to do during the holidays-finish homework after the first week-watch da vinci code-attend all 16 trainings x))-do things constructive at homebasically that's all. yay. see you guys in 4 weeks time.
a little glamour goes a long way;
11:45 PM;
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
okay. i just returned from the WALA briefing today..not exactly fun this year. cuz the competition is hosted by SINGAPORE. which means staying in singapore for the competition. lol. last year it was held in perth okay. see the great difference?
when i reach there.. groups and groups of st nicholas.cedars.nanyang girls.victoria sec.hwa chong. and obv sports schools ppl are there..felt so out. the loner from dunman high school. but chang ping from st nics very nice la. she talked to me..
so the briefing started..and basically its just the introduction about the aussies and the malaysians coming here for the competition. they will be giving free jerseys and shorts and track suits=)) whee. wow.whoo~ cool huh.
then they let us know our events. and wth i'm having 2 events. 100m.200m. 4x100m i'm the reserved la. sian sia. i hate 200m. oh but luckily they are all in 3 different sessions over the 2 days of competition. oh yeah. get to skip school during 4th and 5th july x))
crap. we will need to meet again at bukit timah to get our jersey and for the training of the 4x100m team. and after WALA, its going to be nationals. wow. what long period of time for me to rest huh. NATIONALSSS!!
whatever i do. i just hope to get full support from you.
a little glamour goes a long way;
11:17 PM;
Friday, May 19, 2006
stop acting so poor thing and sad in front of my in the end, u are the good guy, i am the bad one.congrats. you succeeded. okay.pls. stop all this.i have my rights not to give u my new number.if u think i have gone too farthen i'm sorry okay.just stop all this.
a little glamour goes a long way;
7:36 PM;
Saturday, May 13, 2006
i hate myself for being so draggy. i can't seem to make a decision fast. i'm sorry that i made you angry. but its really hard on me. no ending seems to be perfect afterall. forgive me.
a little glamour goes a long way;
5:17 PM;
Thursday, May 11, 2006
level camp is real fun. love the nights. love my grp members. love edvin my instructor. love the muds. love the games. love the campfire. love the time gossiping with edvin. love the food. love being a part of the dunmanian family.. but i hate to part with them.but somedays, i had to make my decision wheater or not to leave soon.. (specific events of level camp coming up soon x)) )
a little glamour goes a long way;
10:20 PM;
Saturday, May 06, 2006
training at ngee ann poly today is totally...dead. 5 sets of skipping ropes and stairs. totally knocked me out. then we had a new way of training. sprint 50m jog 50m then sprinnt 50m again and then jog 50m... for 2 whole rounds without stopping.okay. tt really made me tired. everyone was tired too i guess. wen jie was like "oh no oh no" the whole round. haha then sprint 5om with chang xi and caryn. chang xi did her hurdles. 5 sets and i'm tired. it was 5 fast sets okay. then rested for 3 mins and did fast sprints with them again. but this time chang xi was at the 50m line while me n caryn were at the 80m line. and we need to catch up with her. okay. it sure was tiring okay. then training ended.. sigh. sometimes i really question myself why m i training so hard. training now are so tiring tt at times i'm thinking of giving up but the words of mr lim lingers in my mind and causes me to persevere again.i really hopes tt i can get sth for my nationals. top 3 at least.i dont want to disappoint mr lim.
oh yeah. mum's birthday today. and i bought her a cake. =)) happy birthday mum.
a little glamour goes a long way;
10:07 PM;
Friday, May 05, 2006
its raining in the morning.. and guess what. we're having 2.4 napfa test later. i carn run in cold weather... how how how. so sad. the rain stopped in the afternoon. but the weather's still cold. played bball till i sweated lots.then went to stretch and did striding with yuh ding. then went to assemble and realised tt my hip ache is acting up again cuz of the cold weather. argh.shit. then we assemble at the starting line and yl was behind me with jordan somewhere beside her.he wants to run with her. then mr ang said GO and i stride. after a while, dunno yl disappear until where already. haha. must be with jordan. for the whole run i was making my mind occupied with sth else so that i wont be too tired. finally saw the end and i sprinted to the finishing line and got 10th. okay..nt too bad already.i was telling yuh ding tt top 20 was my target. haha. then the way back to school was... bad? gt niao by amy and stephanie they all like shit. i packed up and went home immediately. cuz had a wedding dinner to attend later. and totally lose face during the dinner. saw a dunmanian there and my mum actually make me talk to him.-_-" nvm.
a little glamour goes a long way;
9:47 PM;