i crave to run, i love the track.
12 july 1992
dunman high school

Alvina Amanda kuah alicia alysson
Binggeng bolong bryan
eliass elizabeth
joanne wee jiaxuan jolynn jiamin
keni kelvin kuanliang
Li Chang Liqin
mabel ming quan melissa miaoqian
suhuan sandy simin SHIRUI! shuen sean sheryl Wenxin Wen ning
yisin Yuingweii Yeling yanlin Yuhding yijun

Dhs track

Track Pals
Sharin SiPei
Amanda Lee AliciaTiang

July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007



Sunday, August 05, 2007

i've sth to announce :)


there wont be anymore
instead it'll be..


relink friensds :D


a little glamour goes a long way;
4:26 PM;

Friday, August 03, 2007

on this sexaey night.

i dont feel like doing my chinese compo now, so tried to edit my xanga site, but
i'm badddd with xanga's html.
i need help, seriously.

there's compulsory school visit to temples tml. shiz.
and i have the whole afternoon free, probably baybeat at night.
kinda lifeless?

yay my JESSICALEE, susu. is helping me edit my xanga site now.
mwah for susu.

a little glamour goes a long way;
11:05 PM;

Thursday, August 02, 2007

secrets unrevealed;

i cry a river for my Higher chinese test;

screw the 3 loooong comprehensionss, the summary writing, and the short 90mins to finish the paper.
shizz man, my chinese is deproving. shall go cheena from tml onwards.


anyway recently, i fell in LOVE with avril lavign's when you're gone. ITS DAMM NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AND EMOISH!

and shiz i feel like going to sing fest but then its too heart wrenching to take $150 bucks out for tt :( oh well lets kust catch National Day Parade '07 @ marinabay !LIVE at home. FOC.

ms koh asks me to be student councilor =S

a little glamour goes a long way;
8:35 PM;

Monday, July 30, 2007

shiz man, i just realise my blog is so dead and unnice to read alr;
sorry peeps//

i feel sooooper guilty now caz i have been slacking for the whole afternoon and night for today. maths test today was #$&&&%$$##@!!~!#% disaster i guess, but for the first time, i just laugh it off and forget abt it,though knowing i wont do well.. but heck, its over alr right, whats there to emo for.
TSY shall be optimistic from now on and no more emoing :)
and i'm no emo kid la seranyeo >:( i do laugh at yr stupid lame jokes okayy!;

anyway i'm a teenage now caz i just made my i/c today yay :D

and i decided to sleep at 11pm today, for the first time this year caz i;m sooooooo tired now.. hey i slept at 3am ytd for maths test okayy/

tml's a boring day, with floorball for PE, with physics lessons, with TRIPLE HIGHER CHINESE. gawdzxzxzx.

anyway,this is seriously useful if u need a laugh; MOMMY.

let my muscles be in work again;

a little glamour goes a long way;
10:32 PM;

Thursday, July 26, 2007

oh my preety pretty ladies;

IDMI's over.

have only been catching like 4 hrs of sleep daily caz of ppt presentations and all;
which explains why seran influenced me tt easily to catch an afternoon nap/
my first nap..

anyway YAYNESS caz i'll be catching the NDP '07 preview on saturday with my lovely cousinsss ruiyang.ruiliang.shiyun :) kids's dayout.
oh and sis will be down at the floating stage dancing 0.0 zomg.

and mommy asked if i regreted choosing to study in dunmanhigh.

i said yes.

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:26 PM;

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

hey all,
sorry for my lack of posts caz i find no more fun in blogging anymore.

okay corrections, find no fun in BLOGGER anymore.
currently working on my xanga site, and will be moving soon i hope yay :)

anyway whats keeping me busy is IDMI, which i thought is boring and stressing
so how very stressing.

anyway today is a happy happy day :)
caz i finally went back with my fellow gossipers after like 93873473526748 days.
uh huh i miss them LOTSSSSSS, and the days happily gossiping together after trainings..
but then, face the facts, these happy moments arent coming tt soon again...
but still,love you guys lots fellow gossipers.

okay i have to rush out on IDMI again. angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

a dead soul inside without track in her life.

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:07 PM;

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

when things go back into the darkness;

i feel so sad and emo now after reading sean's blog.
i didnt know he's so vulnerable and sensitive inside.
i never knew.
i dont know whats gg on inside too,
i'm just pretty disappointed and upset by everything tts happening.

unfairness;biasness;unhappy treatments.

i dont deny that i'm uhnhappy
and i want to leave asap.
i feel so cheated time and again;

you can be the champion for all they care because they will just treat u like crap.
you train so hard, put on the school's jersey and made them proud but they gave u nothing.
except an old jersey; while others get sponsored from head to toe.
they are being so fair to you.

a little glamour goes a long way;
11:58 PM;

Sunday, July 15, 2007

hey all!!
i'm finally at least a bit free so i shall update about my trip to WALA malaysia :)

assembled at ccab and got our 80 bucks for meals :)
i sat with jessicalee! and the trip there the coach showed us law by law movie by jackneo.

then we checked in to our hotels and my rooms with chingyii <3.
then we went to petalling street for shopping, which was so much funn! caz we get to bargain with the shop owners and i got quite a lot of things from there at low prices like a adidas shirt at $15 only. lights out at 11pm.

early morning call and light breakfast caz we have our morning training! kinda exciting though caz i'm just gonna train our relay passings with meixian and do some starting blocks.
it was bad caz i didnt do a single good passing with meixian and they stop us from training alr.
then the whole team went to istana and the war memorial ( again) for photo taking and sightseeing lur.

the whole team at the istana.with hannah;with jessicalee and juliana <33 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">then we went back hotel to rest, with a little bit of shopping at mid valley megamall at night.

30th- wala competition day 1.
me and silly chingyi woke up earlier to do some strdings along the corridor caz we both have 100m and relay today =O so we both were kinda nervous for the day ahead.
then time drew near and we went to the bukit jail training track for the competiton day.

and they have these seats for competitors to sit down on before each run.

the hot aussie guy and his long jump. :OOOOO

and then i was so nervous that i didnt talk to anyone at all since i started warming up. and i just did my own workouts like stridings sideruns and startings then went to reports for my race.
its so scary caz all the other competitors were all taller than me and they look so strong.
and then it was my race.

and we're supposed to sit on this chair after we're done with our starting blocks and thats when i got really really scared alr.

and then my not so good starts lur.
the others were really really fast and i was forced to pace up with the aussie girl in lane 4 so in the end i hit my PB of 13.1 secs :))))))) was 6th though =/ the first girl hit 12.5 secs. -.-''

and then it was our relay and it was quite worrying caz me and meixian did not did a good passing before and the whole team didnt even did a full run before =S
but then surprisingly meixian's passing to me tt day was so good and smooth and we got 3rd in the end with 51secs. =D


girls U14- 2nd
Boys U14- 1st (new championship record.)

Girls U15-3rd.Boys U15- 3rd.

it was a great day caz team singapore broke 2 records today. and i finally, finally finished all my events :)

so we had our deserving dinner and pizzas there were really so cheap!

jessicalee <3! onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">like the lamp and under the water boiler etc tsktsk. x)

and me and ching's medal and number tag.

iloveyou TANCHINGYI!

okay shall upload the part 2 of wala lateron caz there's like 30 plus pics coming up =/

a little glamour goes a long way;
10:01 AM;

Thursday, July 12, 2007

my oldie sweet 15 (:

i really enjoyed this year's birthday, thanks to all lovelys who celebrated it with me :)
thank you:
heather.nicole.celynn.lili. and the whole chij katong trackteam.

and the others who i left out,

<3 style="color: rgb(51, 204, 255);"> turquoise havaianas.
<3 ameliatang for the runner earing and sweets!
<3 magdalene and jayne for the flowers earings and the sooo pretty card
<3 heather and nicole for the photoframe
<3 majorie for the retro hardcover notebook and cross stitched card :)
<3 paulbestie for my shirt
<3 yanling for my havent chosed yet present!
<3 coachremy for his spray =S

its great to be fifteen;

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:25 PM;

getting a left helmstring pull is my best birthday gift ever.


a little glamour goes a long way;
8:50 PM;

nats is overrrr for me;

this year's nats really didnt pass smoothly, and i screw up BOTH of my events.
i guess my real tired legs need a deserve rest.
and lesson learnt?

dont overtrain i guess...

yeah, i pulled my left helmstring at the last 5m during my 200m semis, and it really hurt A LOT... and right now, coach remy says i'm not allowed to train or run for at least 6 weeks.

not running for 6 weeks? 1 month 2 weeks?

actually i really feel kinda depressed this nationals caz i'm really off formed by a lot and my timings were really off records and i never ran this slow before so it was really a great shock and disappointment to me.
but guess i'm alright now, caz like what many ppl told me,

" lost this season, be back the next."

i'm gonna have a good comeaback next season.
yes i'm sure.

a little glamour goes a long way;
6:01 PM;

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

be back next season;

wala 100m U15; lane 5.

so coach remy came to talk to me today, and erm, yeah i understand that my form for this season is totally gone caz of my helmstring strain...

but like what he say...

i will be back next season;
faster, tougher, stronger.
and omg, the ssp physio session for my helmstring was soooooooo good lur ;) hehs.

cheerup shiying, tml's yr birthday.

wish me luck.
i hope everything for tml will turn out well.

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:34 PM;

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

at least time helped me to recover slowly;

i'm really like stressed out these few days.
there's like so many damm tests coming up and moreandmoreandmore assignments piling up;
i will be having 3 tests on friday if i miss lessons tml and on thurs.
oh, i have my 200m heats tml

and hopefully, hopefully, if i qualify for semis it will be on thursday.
wish me luck for 200m tml, caz all my confidence's gone after what happened to my 100m.

i hope i can at least make it to the finals, not a too ambitious aim i hope.
okay lets rest early.

PS./ 12JULY IS COMING. -ihope this yr's bday is gonna be a bigbig surprise for me.

caz you're the biggest letdown;

i know, self pitying isnt gonna change anything, you lost your race, thats tt. ironic, i've always been telling ppl to cheerup, when i'm still pretty emo deep inside. i cant, and i think never will accept all that has happened, my great failure, my great disappointment to all. friends.coaches.supporters.
why am i sucha letdown. why is the world so unfair. day after day i've been training so hard, so hard, just for this nationals, and yet, i lost it all. in just a single race. and what hurts the most, is when u know that all your endless hardwork had been wasted.
youtrainfornothing. yourhardworkiscrap.
my great setback; the worst nightmare.

a little glamour goes a long way;
8:33 PM;

Friday, July 06, 2007

i'm out of finals for 100m this year.

i've said it.
8 words that took so much courage and time for me to accept it.

my great failure.

dont tell me its okay, caz its not.
all these days, i trained twice a day daily for it.
and there;
i lost it all in less than half a minute.

mr lim said i was too tired from wala, and so i mis-performed like many athletes did.
i hoped it was.
its just really scary to know that u are actually deproving.

i think i suck.
a great letdown.
caz i still cant belief that i;m actually this lousy for nats.
and it hurts a lot
when u realise that u had actually trained so hard for it and still dont get it while the others just got it ,

so easily.

but still thanks to melissa my tallie lovely, seran, mr foo, jessica, sipei, dorcas,caryn.
i love u guys manymany.

a little glamour goes a long way;
10:45 PM;

Monday, July 02, 2007

i'm back ):
and i dont want to.

i miss WALA so much; its really really fun there.
i miss melissa sipei chingyi wuileng jessica clara juilana and the whole team.

i miss the fun we had.

a little glamour goes a long way;
10:07 PM;

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

so there's wala meeting at sports school today and i was lateee!
so kinda missed out on a lot of things >:(
so today's just the pre-departure meeting and attire distributions :)))))

so they gave us, woah, a lot of shirts;
2 tracksuits (1 for opening ceremony, 1 for closing ceremony) 2 dryfit tees( for warmups), 1 polo tee( for travelling), 2 competition vests, and a bag. and money for meals!

and we're leaving for KL this thursday 28th june, and back only 2nd july.
yay, its gonna be so much fun lovessss!

a competition is nt of beating other ppl, it is of beating urself; - gerald''

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:33 PM;

Sunday, June 24, 2007

a picture is enough;

school again tml.
life's gonna be hell again with all the studyings and projects and tests.
shrugs, isnt that the standard life of us, singaporeans.
and dont ask me about the hws and projects.

looking at the bright side, at least i can get to see channn and woosieee and wxxx and yddd and my track juniors :) which is sth real worth looking forward to;

and ughhhhhhhh! nats is coming soon :(

and i'm so not sure if there's wala meeting at sports school tml or not.
oh no, screwed ):

byeholiday, helloschool. nightmare.

a little glamour goes a long way;
5:17 PM;

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

my sooooza smile;

tt funny sean teo just told me " TANSHIYING I'M IN THE SAME HEATS AS SHAHRIR FOR 100M!"

hahahaha, damm funny.
seems like we're on the same boat.
oh caz shahrir is every year's 100m champion you see.

anyways just went to chanyanling! house to do level camp project. and lotsa girl talk session, of course. :))

mugging session now. :(

i dont want to race.
i dont want to see myself deproving.
i dont like to face the facts.

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:20 PM;

i'm losing all my senses and fear is really taking over me.

the programme list for nationals is out;
and what i'm fearing is taking place.

balpreet is in my 100m heats. she's doing a frigging 12.3 secs.
to top it all.
samantha raebun and tyanne choo is in my heat too.

all finalist of past years nationals school championships.
ell me,
how can i not be scared.

only top 3 are allowed to get into semi finals.
my position is seriously being threatened now.
i'm really scared.

tag 265 you really need to run well.

a little glamour goes a long way;
1:27 PM;

Monday, June 18, 2007

i screw up training today :(
sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant control my legs again.

mag's improving so fast that i'm so ashamed of myself when i see how she uses her body strength to push herself forward.
she's only a p5 kid, a record-holder-to-be.

i really need to start training harder.

a little glamour goes a long way;
9:52 PM;